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Review Process

The journal's review process follows a four-step process.

1.                  First Stage

It starts with sending your article to the scientific journal. At this first stage, the editors will decide if it is suitable therefor, posing questions such as:

a)      Did the author follow the guidelines of the journal?

b)      Is this the right journal for this article?

c)      Do the readers of the journal consider this as interesting and useful?

The editor can at once reject the article, otherwise move on to the next stage, to peer review.

2.                  Second Stage

The Editor-in-Chief and the scientific secretary find and consult with between 2 and 5 researchers from academia who are experts in your field. It is important for authors to know that the reviewers will not be from your university or institution. Reviewers should read your article, rate it, and advise the editor-in-chief on whether to publish it in this journal.

They will give an opinion:

a)      Whether the scientific problem is significant and clearly defined.

b)      Whether there is a novelty in the presented research and whether it is original.

c)      What is your level of competence in the research subject.

d)      Have you presented your results clearly and appropriately.

e)      Whether the text is clear and in good style.

f)       Whether the statement meets the requirements for completeness of the used literature and whether the footnotes have adequately reflected it.

You will then receive feedback on your article, which will let you know if you should make amendments before its publication. Please note that the final editorial decision for each material and the choice of who to invite for its review is always at the discretion of the editor only. The editor could reject the text if the material does not keep sufficiently high academic standards.

3.                  Third Stage

Review and resubmit. At this stage, you can change your article based on reviewers' comments by its resubmission with or without the amendments made completely or partially.

If you decide that you do not want to accept all the reviewers' comments, you can include a brief explanation of why you do not think they apply to the article you sent. The editor can then evaluate, include your explanation when the amended article and sent back to the reviewers.

4.                  Fourth Stage


If the paper meets the editorial and review standards, the journal should accept it for publication. And that is all – you have already gone through a review.


The time between the admission and the publication of the research can take from 1 to 12 months.