Специфики на трудовата дейност на чужденците в сферата на туризма в България
Автори: Андрияна Андреева, Галина Йолова, Дарина Димитрова
Specificities of the Labour Activity of Foreigners in the Sphere of Tourism in Bulgaria
Andriyana Andreeva, Galina Yolova, Darina Dimitrova
The article examines the specificities of the labour activity of foreigners in the sphere of tourism in Bulgaria, based on the internal legislation and primary the Labour Migration and Labour Mobility Act. The complex analysis regards Labour law and Social Security principles and main aspects of the status of employed foreign individuals, as well as the activities of public authorities competent for abidance to legislation in the area of labour activity of foreigners in the tourism. Based on the analysis the authors make conclusions, mark tendencies, make recommendations with practical direction.