
проф. д-р Валери Димитров – главен редактор
проф. д.ю.н. Ангел Калайджиев
проф. д-р Дарина Зиновиева
проф. д-р Габриела Белова
доц. д-р Константин Танев – научен секретар
Адрес на редакцията:

Студентски град, УНСС
Юридически факултет
Тел.: (+3592) 81-95-684
Editorial Board

Prof. Dr. Valeri Dimitrov
Prof. Dr. Sc. Angel Kalajdziev
Prof. Dr. Darina Zinovieva
Prof. Dr. Gabriela Belova
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Konstantin Tanev

International scientific council

Prof. D.Sc.(Law) Dimitar Radev Radev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valchin Daskalov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Diana Marinova Marinova
Prof. Dr. Rumen Iliev Markov
Prof. Dr. Josep María De Dios Marcer
Prof. Dr. Sc. Mihal Sckrejpek
Prof. Dr. Philip Thomas

Student Town, UNWE
Faculty of law
Tel.: (+3592) 81-95-684

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Предпечатна подготовка е изпълнена от: Издателски комплекс – УНСС
Печат: Издателски комплекс – УНСС
Предизвикателства и тенденции за развитие на гражданското право в условията на дигитална икономика
година 2020
Брой 4

Предизвикателства и тенденции за развитие на гражданското право в условията на дигитална икономика

Challenges and Tendencies for the Development of Civil Law in the Context of the Digital Economy


The article examines the Law on Tokens and Trustworthy Technologies (TT) Blockchain Service Providers (Blockchain Act) adopted in Lichtenstein on 3rd of October 2019 and effected into force on the 1st of January 2020. This innovative act creates a legal framework of the trustworthy  technologies as a prerequisite for ensuring trust in the digital legal communication thus expanding the application of the TT further into the economic sector by promoting its digitalization. The legal framework inevitably affects civil law by creating an entirely new legal object in the face of tokens. This allows providing rights and obligations with regards to tokens as well as conducting transactions with them. Furthermore, key feature of the examined act is that it defines and regulates the process of tokenization, which allows civil rights to be  represented via tokens and thus by transferring the tokens, within the TT system, to transfer the civil rights in a safe digital environment, so ensuring the intermediaries to make transactions cost effective.

Ключови думи

blockchain, Token, Distirbuted Ledger Technologies, Crypto, Tokenization
Свалете Atanas Petrov.pdf


ISSN (print): 2603-3437
ISSN (online): 2603-3445