
проф. д-р Валери Димитров – главен редактор
проф. д.ю.н. Ангел Калайджиев
проф. д-р Дарина Зиновиева
проф. д-р Габриела Белова
доц. д-р Константин Танев – научен секретар
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Студентски град, УНСС
Юридически факултет
Тел.: (+3592) 81-95-684
Editorial Board

Prof. Dr. Valeri Dimitrov
Prof. Dr. Sc. Angel Kalajdziev
Prof. Dr. Darina Zinovieva
Prof. Dr. Gabriela Belova
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Konstantin Tanev

International scientific council

Prof. D.Sc.(Law) Dimitar Radev Radev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valchin Daskalov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Diana Marinova Marinova
Prof. Dr. Rumen Iliev Markov
Prof. Dr. Josep María De Dios Marcer
Prof. Dr. Sc. Mihal Sckrejpek
Prof. Dr. Philip Thomas

Student Town, UNWE
Faculty of law
Tel.: (+3592) 81-95-684

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Предпечатна подготовка е изпълнена от: Издателски комплекс – УНСС
Печат: Издателски комплекс – УНСС
Quo vadis, European's Union New Digital Regulation Package?
Бизнес и право
година 2021
Брой 2

Quo vadis, European's Union New Digital Regulation Package?

Quo vadis, European's Union New Digital Regulation Package?


Released at the end of 2020 the European Commission's Digital Services Act (DSA) and Digital Market Act (DMA) package captured the attention of experts in Europe and beyond with its comprehensive scope and ambitious goals. The two instruments are expected to radically change EU digital regulation and pave the way to policy solutions that will achieve greater consumer protection, guarantee fair competition in the online environment and structure an effective framework for the protection of human rights. The article presents the essence of the two legal instruments and discusses their pros and cons against the background of the fast-developing digital environment and interrelated problems.

Ключови думи

competition, regulation, DSA, DMA, Digital Services, Platforms, Gatekeepers
Свалете Zankova.pdf


ISSN (print): 2603-3437
ISSN (online): 2603-3445