Публичноправни аспекти на Националния рамков договор
Автор: Нина Чилова
(Public Law Aspects of the National Framework Contract)
Nina Chilova
By its legal nature, the National Framework Contract is a sub-ordinate legislation in implementation and application of the Health Insurance Act (HIA). It incorporates specific rules of conduct – legal norms relating generally to the conditions for the provision of medical care by the „contractors“ of such care, the procedure for concluding contracts with them, the volumes, prices and methodologies for the costing and purchase of types of medical care, criteria for the quality and accessibility of medical care, and other elements that are part of its subject matter. In addition to its administrative and legal character, the NFC also has financial law aspects related to the expenditure of funds from the NHIF (National Health Insurance Fund) budget, in which typical financial law relations arise, develop, and are extinguished.