Четири възможни мерки за подобряване на медийната среда в България. Препоръки въз основа на научноизследователски проект за медийната система в България в светлината на европейския Закон за свободата на медиите
Автори: Бисера Занкова, Иво Инджов
(Four Possible Measures to Improve the Media Environment in Bulgaria. Recommendations Based on a Research Project Concerning the Media System in Bulgaria in the Light of the European Media Freedom Act)
Bissera Zankova, Ivo Indzhov
The article presents an analysis of the possible solutions based on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) that would contribute to the improvement of the national media environment: a new media law in line with the adopted European Media Freedom Act; a new philosophy and design of the election of the Council for Electronic Media (CEM) members; a new model for public financing of the media – from state advertising, from European funds, from municipalities to the creation of a special portal to ensure transparency and good visualization of all its forms; setting up of a special fund to support quality journalism. The proposals build on report findings about the main problems in the Bulgarian media system without dealing with public media funding through state budget subsidies in particular.