Някои въпроси относно данък дарение по ЗМДТ при безвъзмездно придобиване на дружествени дялове и акции
Автор: Тюркер Моллахасан
(Some Issues Regarding the Gift Tax under Local Taxes and Fees Act Upon Acquisitions of Company Shares and Stocks for Free)
Tyurker Mollahasan
The Bulgarian Local Taxes and Fees Act regulates diverse types of taxes, one of them is the gift tax. The article aims to analyse the local tax consequences under Local Taxes and Fees Act when obtaining company shares and stocks for free. The scope of anal-ysis includes the object and scope of taxation, the specifics about the taxable person, the rules for figuring out the taxable base and the applicable tax rate. We also analyse situations when the act exempts these persons from the tax.