Банковата гаранция през погледа на съдебната практика
Автор: Проф. д-р Камелия Касабова
The Bank Guarantee Trough the Court Practice
Kamelia Kassabova,
The article “The Bank Guarantee Trough the Court Practice” is a study of the bank guarantee regulation in the Bulgarian legislation and the Subsidiary Application of the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees 2010 revision, ICC Publication No. 758. The bank guarantee is considered as a complex of legal relations between the orderer, the issuer and the beneficiary. Explained is the importance of the bank guarantee as a document and a unilateral transaction of the issuing bank. The emphasis is on the payment of the bank guarantee and the right of objection by the issuing bank. The specific features of the individual types of bank guarantees are analysed. A distinction has been made between the letter of credit as a form of payment and the bank guarantee as a form of security.
The entire article contains a critical analysis of existing national court practice (case law).