Релацията „право – икономика“: светогледни измерения на правното явление в условия на глобализация и дигитализация на световната икономика
Author: Виктор Иванов
The Law-Economics Relation: The Globe Dimensions of the Law Phenomenon in a Globalized and Digitized World Economy
Victor Ivanov
The worldview dimensions of the law phenomenon increase their importance to the research of legal scientists and in the training. The „law – economy“ relationship is one of the most essential elements in the formation and renewal of law and of structures and forms of government, as well. Both transition from national to supranational economic structures and deepening digitization of the economy are of paramount importance. These processes revolutionize the legal phenomenon, and this leads to the necessity of revolutionizing the legal sciences, including the General Theory of Law and the General Doctrine of the State. It is the task of legal theoreticians to reconsider the transition from national state legal continuum to regional and global legal-power structures. It defends the understanding that, in the context of a digitizing and globalizing economy, special and incredible efforts are needed by the emerging global civil society in order to create in time new democratic forms and mechanisms in line with the spirit of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Jurists face the challenge of building a modern desacralizing worldview in defence of universal values and ideals.