Анализ на практиката на СЕС относно приложимостта на директива в хоризонтални (между частни лица) отношения
Author: Атанас Семов
Analysis of the CJEU Case Law on the Applicability of a Directive in Horizontal Relations (Between Private Parties)
Atanas Semov
The CJEU has ruled that the EU directives' rules have no horizontal direct effect. Although the Court of Justice applies a large understanding of applicability of a directive in horizontal relations. Significant importance is to be given to the duty of consistent interpretation of any internal rules in the scope of the directive - nonobstant whether the directive has been correctly transposed or not and whether its rule has any direct effect or not. Thus, the Court of Justice imposes a large understanding of invocability of a directive in horizontal relations to protect the EU rights of individuals.