Editorial Board:

Prof. Dr. Valeri Dimitrov - Chief Editor

Prof. Dr. Sc. Angel Kalajdziev

Prof. Dr. Darina Zinovieva

Prof. Dr. Gabriela Belova

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Konstantin Tanev - Scientific Secretary

Address of the Editorial Office:

Student Town, UNWE Faculty of Law

e-mail: [email protected]

Tel.: (+3592) 81-95-684

International Scientific Council:

Prof. D.Sc. (Law) Dimitar Radev Radev

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valchin Daskalov

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Diana Marinova Marinova

Prof. Dr. Rumen Iliev Markov

Prof. Dr. Josep María De Dios Marcer P

rof. Dr. Sc. Mihal Sckrejpek

Prof. Dr. Philip Thomas

Address: Student Town, UNWE Faculty of Law e-mail: [email protected] Tel.: (+3592) 81-95-684

The views expressed by the authors are their own and do not commit the editorial board of the journal.

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Необходимостта от създаването на Регламента относно пазарната злоупотреба и влиянието на решението Spector Photo Group
Business and Law
year 2021
Issue 3

Необходимостта от създаването на Регламента относно пазарната злоупотреба и влиянието на решението Spector Photo Group

The need of the Market Abuse Regulation and the Impact of the Spector Photo Group Decision


Over the years, the financial markets of the countries in the European Union have reached increasingly prominent differences, especially in insider dealing and its variety of sanctions. As a result, there is a need to adopt a single and harmonized European framework to ensure the security of all participants in capital markets. A key role in this process plays the decision on the Spector Photo Group case, which raises key topics, where there was no legislation at that moment. After a series of negotiations, the law changed with the Market Abuse Regulation.


Insider Trading, Insider Information, Legal Sanctions, Capital Markets, Spector Photo Group, Market Abuse Regulation
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ISSN (print): 2603-3437
ISSN (online): 2603-3445