Критичен анализ на институционалната рамка на пожарната безопасност в етажната собственост. Правосубектност на етажната собственост във взаимоотношенията и с органите на Главна дирекция "Пожарна безопасност и защита на населението"
Author: Ганчо Данчев
Critical Analysis of the Institutional Framework of Fire Safety in Condominium Ownership. Legal Entity Status of Condominium Ownership in Relation to the Authorities of the General Directorate of Fire Safety and Civil Protection
Gancho Danchev
The present article examines the problems faced by the fire safety and civil protection authorities in the Republic of Bulgaria in exercising control over compliance with fire safety rules and regulations in buildings under condominium ownership, specifically in residential buildings. Special attention is paid to the status of the subjects inhabiting residential buildings in the context of their interactions with the authorities of the General Directorate Fire Safety and Civil Protection. Conclusions and corresponding recommendations for the necessary legislative changes, according to the author, are drawn.