Commencement and Duration of the Prescription Term for Periodic Claims (Instalments) under Loan and Bank Credit Agreements (Analysis of the Case-Law and the Question Referred for Interpretation in Interpretative Case № 3 of 2023 SCC, GACCC)
Zahari Tormanov
Захари Торманов
Public Law Aspects of the National Framework Contract
Публичноправни аспекти на Националния рамков договор
Nina Chilova
Нина Чилова
Four Possible Measures to Improve the Media Environment in Bulgaria. Recommendations Based on a Research Project Concerning the Media System in Bulgaria in the Light of the European Media Freedom Act
Bissera Zankova, Ivo Indzhov
Бисера Занкова, Иво Инджов
Critical Analysis of the Institutional Framework of Fire Safety in Condominium Ownership. Legal Entity Status of Condominium Ownership in Relation to the Authorities of the General Directorate of Fire Safety and Civil Protection
Gancho Danchev
Ганчо Данчев
Dogmatism and Pragmatism in the Theory of Bulgarian Financial Law
Догматизъм и прагматизъм в теорията на българското финансово право
Suleyman Bashov
Сюлейман Башов
Some Issues Regarding the Gift Tax under Local Taxes and Fees Act Upon Acquisitions of Company Shares and Stocks for Free
Tyurker Mollahasan
Тюркер Моллахасан
Lodgement of Claims in Insolvency Proceedings Before a Bulgarian Court in the Light of Regulation (EU) 2015/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015
Teofana Evgenieva
Теофана Евгениева
On the Questions Incorporated in Interpretative Case № 3/2022 of the General Assembly of the Civil and Commercial Collegiums of the Supreme Cassation Court)
По въпросите, поставени в Тълкувателно дело № 3/2022 г. на ОСГТК на ВКС
Trayan Kosev
Траян Косев
Atanas Vasilev – in Memoriam
From the editorial office
От редакцията
Employment Contract with Resolutive Condition
Трудов договор с прекратително условие
Atanas Vassilev
Атанас Василев
Velislava Hristova