Editorial Board:

Prof. Dr. Valeri Dimitrov - Chief Editor

Prof. Dr. Sc. Angel Kalajdziev

Prof. Dr. Darina Zinovieva

Prof. Dr. Gabriela Belova

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Konstantin Tanev - Scientific Secretary

Address of the Editorial Office:

Student Town, UNWE Faculty of Law

e-mail: [email protected]

Tel.: (+3592) 81-95-684

International Scientific Council:

Prof. D.Sc. (Law) Dimitar Radev Radev

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valchin Daskalov

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Diana Marinova Marinova

Prof. Dr. Rumen Iliev Markov

Prof. Dr. Josep María De Dios Marcer P

rof. Dr. Sc. Mihal Sckrejpek

Prof. Dr. Philip Thomas

Address: Student Town, UNWE Faculty of Law e-mail: [email protected] Tel.: (+3592) 81-95-684

The views expressed by the authors are their own and do not commit the editorial board of the journal.

Prepress preparation carried out by: Publishing Complex - UNWE Printed by: Publishing Complex - UNWE

По въпросите, поставени в Тълкувателно дело № 3/2022 г. на ОСГТК на ВКС
Business and Law
year 2023
Issue 1

По въпросите, поставени в Тълкувателно дело № 3/2022 г. на ОСГТК на ВКС

On the Questions Incorporated in Interpretative Case № 3/2022 of the General Assembly of the Civil and Commercial Collegiums of the Supreme Cassation Court)


The article examines the questions that the Supreme Court of Cassation should answer in its interpretative case № 3/2022. The case was started by the General Assembly of the Civil and Commercial Collegiums of the court, in connection with controversially resolved disputes by the Bulgarian courts, in cases of an illegal use of an object of copyright, the holder of which is a person with a habitual residence outside the territory of Bulgaria. The article examines the questions in depth and based on the analysis, pro-vides suggestions for an answer.


Law, constitution, commercial law, Jurisprudence, Civil Law, Court case
Download 08.192-209.pdf

ISSN (print): 2603-3437
ISSN (online): 2603-3445